4.0.0 AWX.
0.9.1 Ansible Tower Plugin.
When I invoke Jenkins Job which has already called a Tower job, the Jenkins job gets stopped with Tower job still running. But actually, if the Tower job is stucked in one step like running a long-term progress, it will still remain running, which makes it impossible for me to call another Tower job in the same Tower project.
I think one problem is I can't parallel the Tower jobs which is a normal feature of Tower (no way to change this). On the other hand, Ansible Tower Plugin doesn't notify Tower when it stops. These two features make me feel uncomfortable, and the page shows all the latter jobs wait to be scheduled. Then it will be one-century waiting without any feedback.
Now, I can only stop the world with manually invoking on the Tower. But I hope there is any way to stop the Tower job without handly stopping.
You are seeing jobs in Tower which were launched by Jenkins stuck in a pending state?
Can you add more details to this? i.e. what version of Tower are you on. What version of the plugin are you using? Also, can you manually invoke a job in Tower and get it past the pending state?
The pending state in Tower means that the job was requested but its waiting to be scheduled (actually run) within the Tower cluster.
Once the jobs is scheduled in Jenkins, nothing else is done on the Jenkins side other than monitor the job.
Jobs getting stuck in a pending state would indicate (to me) that there is some kind of issue with your Tower installation.