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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-59435

Pull request blue ocean links should go to the relevant blue ocean view


      1. Go to: Jenkins > New Item.
      2. Fill in Enter an item name: "test".
      3. Select GitHub Organization.
      4. Click OK.
      5. In Projects:
        1. Fill in Credentials.
        2. Fill in Owner.
        3. Add Behaviors for Within repository:
          1. Add  Discover branches: Exclude branches that are also filed as PRs.
          2. Add Filter by name (with regular expression): "master|.PR.".
      6. Click Save.
      7. Go to the "test" project: /jenkins/job/test/.
      8. Click on a repository "repo": /jenkins/job/test/repo/.
      9. Click on the Pull Requests tab: /jenkins/job/test/repo/view/change-requests/.
      10. There's an Open Blue Ocean link here, it goes to: /jenkins/blue/organizations/jenkins/test%2Frepo/branches/.
      11. Click on a Pull Request "PR-2":  /jenkins/job/test/repo/view/change-requests/job/PR-2.
      12. There's an Open Blue Ocean link here, it goes to: /jenkins/blue/organizations/jenkins/test%2Frepo/branches/.

      Expected results

      1. The /change-requests/ page should link to /jenkins/blue/organizations/jenkins/test%2Frepo/pr.
      2. The /change-requests/job/PR-2 page should link to /jenkins/blue/organizations/jenkins/test%2Frepo/activity?branch=PR-2.

      I'm not really sure which plugin is responsible for this.

          [JENKINS-59435] Pull request blue ocean links should go to the relevant blue ocean view

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            jsoref Josh Soref
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