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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-60229

Jenkins unable to get updates / update details of Allure Jenkins plugin

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • allure-plugin, core

      Upon updating to Jenkins 2.205, our Jenkins setup became unable to get plugin updates.
      I see the following error now:

      "There were errors checking the update sites: None of the tool installer metadata passed the signature check"

      update from thomaspatzig
      happens again with Jenkins 2.289.2

      response / JSON of update URL looks invalid

      does the update service works properly?

          [JENKINS-60229] Jenkins unable to get updates / update details of Allure Jenkins plugin

          Thomas Patzig added a comment -

          to batmat

          read your comment and understand.


          I try to follow the issue report guide line and want to avoid duplicate issues



          for me it has look like the same issue

          ... I have no deeper looks insides

          Thomas Patzig added a comment - to batmat read your comment and understand.   I try to follow the issue report guide line and want to avoid duplicate issues https://www.jenkins.io/participate/report-issue/   for me it has look like the same issue ... I have no deeper looks insides

          Thomas Patzig added a comment -

          to markewaite


          have tried it with



          same issue

          Thomas Patzig added a comment - to markewaite   have tried it with https://updates.jenkins.io/update-center.json   same issue

          Robert Halter added a comment - - edited

          Robert Halter added a comment - - edited See Allure Plugin Issue Certificate expiration of the plugin when checking for plugin updates on Jenkins startup #292

          Mark Waite added a comment -

          because of JSON Content is embedded in downloadService.post('ru.yandex.qatools.allure.jenkins.tools.AllureCommandlineInstaller', and )

          As far as I understand it, those files contain 'JSONP' even though their suffix says that they are JSON files. The AdoptOpenJDK data and every other data that I checked have the same prolog of downloadService.post

          Mark Waite added a comment - because of JSON Content is embedded in downloadService.post('ru.yandex.qatools.allure.jenkins.tools.AllureCommandlineInstaller', and ) As far as I understand it, those files contain 'JSONP' even though their suffix says that they are JSON files. The AdoptOpenJDK data and every other data that I checked have the same prolog of downloadService.post

          Thomas Patzig added a comment - - edited

          not sure if you have already seen it, but:



          ... looks like that they have big trouble with their certificates

          is it revoked?
          the same with their plugin signature?

          Thomas Patzig added a comment - - edited not sure if you have already seen it, but: https://wiki.qatools.ru/display/AL/Allure+Jenkins+Plugin https://ci.qameta.io/job/allure-plugin/ ... looks like that they have big trouble with their certificates is it revoked? the same with their plugin signature?

          Denys Digtiar added a comment -

          If timestamps are to be trusted on https://updates.jenkins.io/updates/ the ru.yandex.qatools.allure.jenkins.tools.AllureCommandlineInstaller.json* have not been updated since 2021-05-02. I do not know how signatures of these files are generated but I don't think it has anything to do with https certificates of their sites. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Allure used to host on Bintray which is now gone. I created https://github.com/jenkins-infra/crawler/pull/107 . Not sure if it is going to resolve it or not but should fix the tool discovery (crawling) error.

          Denys Digtiar added a comment - If timestamps are to be trusted on https://updates.jenkins.io/updates/  the  ru.yandex.qatools.allure.jenkins.tools.AllureCommandlineInstaller.json* have not been updated since 2021-05-02. I do not know how signatures of these files are generated but I don't think it has anything to do with https certificates of their sites. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Allure used to host on Bintray which is now gone. I created https://github.com/jenkins-infra/crawler/pull/107  . Not sure if it is going to resolve it or not but should fix the tool discovery (crawling) error.

          Denys Digtiar added a comment -

          thomaspatzig could you please check now? I believe this is fixed. I cannot reproduce it anymore.

          Denys Digtiar added a comment - thomaspatzig  could you please check now? I believe this is fixed. I cannot reproduce it anymore.

          Thomas Patzig added a comment -

          to duemir

          I confirm

          issue not exists any longer from now
          I haven't changed anything on my side.

          Thomas Patzig added a comment - to duemir I confirm issue not exists any longer from now I haven't changed anything on my side.

          Ricardo added a comment -

          I can also confirm that the issue is now gone after reenabling the plugin installation. Haven't change a thing in my configuration.

          I'm using Jenkins version 2.289.2-lts JDK11 version.

          Ricardo added a comment - Hello, I can also confirm that the issue is now gone after reenabling the plugin installation. Haven't change a thing in my configuration. I'm using Jenkins version 2.289.2-lts JDK11 version. Thanks

          Denys Digtiar added a comment -

          I am going to resolve it as fixed again then. It looks like my theory was correct. After my PR was merge the signature of the metadata was updated.

          Denys Digtiar added a comment - I am going to resolve it as fixed again then. It looks like my theory was correct. After my PR was merge the signature of the metadata was updated.

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