New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Requirement :
1. Need to have a Release list from where required tag is to be selected. Component build will be based on the tag selected. That should be in between Full Build, Selective Build Option and Panel 1.
2. A separate text box for taking User ID and Project JIRA ticket as input for Auditing the build.
These values will be present the build log. cannot be associated with build.
User id should come from logged in User's credentials.
3. Select a component and it's required build plugins (MQ, BAR, SQL) combination. On pressing add, the entry(in blue) should get deleted from the list Box 2 and get added to List Box 3. Also the check boxes should all get deselected.
4. Full build shall disable everything in Panel 1 and Panel 2.
5. Submit Button should pop up an Alert Box, asking user a decision on Final GO-No GO. The message should say that Build will be initiated, are you happy with the selection with option of Yes & No. Yes should go ahead with build and No should just stay on the same page
6. Remove button should be able to delete selected entries from Panel 2 list box. If required again. user will have to select components from Panel 1 again and add it again step-wise on panel three.
Hi.. any remarks on my requirement?
is it do able ?