It would be much better to use the build in notification functionality that Jenkins provides,
i.e. when you click apply on a job or the global configuration:
Tim Jacomb
added a comment - Sample showing how to use the notification bar:
timja, could you point to some examples in which the browser alert popup is being used currently (as a candidate for the replacement)?
Romen Rodriguez-Gil
added a comment - timja , could you point to some examples in which the browser alert popup is being used currently (as a candidate for the replacement)?
Change configure security to use folder based authorisation strategy
Then go to the plugins page from manage Jenkins
And add a role, or assign a user to a role
Tim Jacomb
added a comment - Basically any action this plugin does,
Change configure security to use folder based authorisation strategy
Then go to the plugins page from manage Jenkins
And add a role, or assign a user to a role
Is there any implementation for JS confirm box ? I left them as I could not an example.
Aytunc BEKEN
added a comment - Hi,
I fixed the issue and created the PR ->
Screenshots are added.
Is there any implementation for JS confirm box ? I left them as I could not an example.
Sample showing how to use the notification bar: