Resolution: Not A Defect
Jenkins 2.263.1
copyartifacts 1.43 and 1.45.3
I have a job to deploy arbitrary builds
back in Jenkins 2.249.3, i was able to do the following in declarative:
pipeline { parameters { choice(name: 'JOB', choices: ["Job A", "Job B"], description: 'The Job from which to take the installation files') buildSelector(name: 'RUN', description: 'Which build to use from Job') } agent any stages { stage('download artifacts') { steps { script { currentBuild.setDescription("using artifacts from $JOB #$params.RUN") } copyArtifacts(projectName: env.JOB, selector: buildParameter(params.RUN)) } } stage('deploy') { steps { sh 'true' } } } }
By that, the build description was set to e.g. "using artifacts from Job A # 42"
after upgrading to Jenkins 2.263.1 while keeping copyartifacts 1.43, copyArtifatcs still works, but $params.RUN does not contain the run number anymore, it's jsut empty.
upgrading to copyartifacts 1.45.3 did not resolve the issue.
I could not get what `BUILDRUN1` come from and why you believe `BUILDRUN1` should work.
Your example pipeline script may be broken. Please check that.