Resolution: Fixed
The screenshot can be reproduced with sauce-ondemand and junit plugins and the below pipeline (although it requires a sauce labs account):
node { stage('Checkout') { git 'https://github.com/timja/demo-java.git' } stage('Build') { dir('on-boarding-modules/testng') { sh 'mvn compile' } } stage('Test') { dir('on-boarding-modules/testng') { sauce('reform_tunnel') { sauceconnect(useGeneratedTunnelIdentifier: true, verboseLogging: true) { sh 'mvn test -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true' } } junit 'target/**/TEST-*.xml' saucePublisher() } } }
The table layout needs switching to div or something more appropriate in both core and pipeline
As far as I can tell, this is resolved with the change to divs for form layout.