Resolution: Unresolved
Windows 10, Jenkins 2.253, Priority Sorter 4.0.0
I am facing the same problem as JENKINS-42584, though I am using a new version of Priority Sorter.
Priority sorter global configuration:
- Strategy: Absolute
- Number of priorities: 5
- Default priority: 3
Job priorities: A single job group:
- Jobs to include: All
- Priority: Default
- Use additional rules when assigning a priority to a Job: checked
The additional strategies from top to bottom are "Job Triggered by a Upstream Build" and "Use Priority from Build Parameter Build Parameter Name". The parameter is called BuildPriority.
I have a pipeline called "priority test trigger" which has the parameter BuildPriority and will call another pipeline "priority test" by groovy script
build(job:"first folder/prioity test",wait:true)
When I run "priority test trigger" with BuildPriority 1, here is my logs with Logger: PrioritySorter.Queue.Items and FINER level.
May 11, 2021 5:10:07 PM FINER PrioritySorter.Queue.Items
New Item: Id: 1224, JobName: prioity test trigger, jobGroupId: 0, reason: Use Priority from Build Parameter, priority: 1, weight: 1.0, status: WAITING
Evaluating JobGroup [0] ...
Evaluating strategies ...
Evaluating strategy [Job Triggered by a Upstream Build] ...
Evaluating strategy [Use Priority from Build Parameter] ...
Strategy is applicable
May 11, 2021 5:10:07 PM FINE PrioritySorter.Queue.Items
Starting: Id: 1224, JobName: prioity test trigger, jobGroupId: 0, reason: Use Priority from Build Parameter, priority: 1, weight: 1.0, status: WAITING
May 11, 2021 5:10:07 PM FINER PrioritySorter.Queue.Items
New Item: Id: 1225, JobName: prioity test, jobGroupId: 0, reason: Job Triggered by a Upstream Build, priority: 3, weight: 3.0, status: WAITING
Evaluating JobGroup [0] ...
Evaluating strategies ...
Evaluating strategy [Job Triggered by a Upstream Build] ...
Strategy is applicable
May 11, 2021 5:10:16 PM FINE PrioritySorter.Queue.Items
Starting: Id: 1225, JobName: prioity test, jobGroupId: 0, reason: Job Triggered by a Upstream Build, priority: 3, weight: 3.0, status: WAITING
May 11, 2021 5:10:17 PM FINER PrioritySorter.Queue.Items
New Item: Id: 1226, JobName: part of first folder » prioity test #12, jobGroupId: -1, reason: <none>, priority: 3, weight: 3.0, status: WAITING
May 11, 2021 5:10:17 PM FINE PrioritySorter.Queue.Items
Buildable: Id: 1226, JobName: part of first folder » prioity test #12, jobGroupId: -1, reason: <none>, priority: 3, weight: 3.0, status: BUILDABLE
May 11, 2021 5:10:17 PM FINE PrioritySorter.Queue.Items
Starting: Id: 1226, JobName: part of first folder » prioity test #12, jobGroupId: -1, reason: <none>, priority: 3, weight: 3.0, status: BUILDABLE
This is still an issue with 5.0
Any jobs kicked off with build() appear not to correctly get the upstreams priority
possibly https://github.com/jenkinsci/priority-sorter-plugin/pull/160/files was the required fix, but that was never merged