Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins 2.277.4 (linux, openjdk version "1.8.0_292")
fs trigger 0.41
(full list of plugins in attachments)
fstrigger-plugin 0.42
When a job gets triggered via fstrigger 0.41, default values from parameters are not used, the parameters are empty, the build fails. environmentVariables are working, though (see output_0.41-fstrigger-failure.txt)
If the same job gets manually triggered via "BuildWithParameters", this works (see output-0.41-buildWithParameters.txt)
The same job works flawlessly with fstrigger 0.39 (see output_0.39_fstrigger-success.txt) with otherwise same jenkins and other plugins versions (compare plugin_list_fstrigger-0.39.txt
How to reproduce:
Use attached jobdsl debug.groovy to create a job. Trigger via placing a file in /tmp/test. It will fail with fstrigger 0.41, and succeed with fstrigger 0.39.
Further notes:
0.41 fixed https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/JENKINS-64229 and an issue with editing/saving freestyle jobs in the GUI for us, but introduced this issue. Since no other components changed, and this works when reverting to 0.39, i assume this is a regression.
Thanks for you work on this very useful plugin!
Please let me know if I can be of any assistance in analysing this issue further.
potentially related to: https://github.com/jenkinsci/fstrigger-plugin/issues/12