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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-65997

Matrix with failFast: false triggers post failure in success stages

      Hi there,

      I've just started to see an unexpected behaviour when using failFast: false, since the post-failure nested stage in the matrix gets executed for the stages that did run successfully.

      To illustrate the above, I use the above snippet:

      stage(..) {
          options { skipDefaultCheckout() }
          failFast false
          matrix {
              agent { .. }
              axes {
                  axis { .. }
              stages {
                      steps { .. }
                      post {
                          failure { .. }

      What do I see? for instance, given the below screenshot

      The `selected terraform stage` runs the below snippet

                stage('Terraform') {
                  options { skipDefaultCheckout() }
                  steps {
                    withGithubNotify(context: "Terraform ${ELASTIC_STACK_VERSION} ${OS_VERSION}") {
                      withCloudEnv() {
                        withAzEnv() {
                          sh(label: 'Run terraform plan', script: 'make -C .ci terraform-run')
                    echo "DEBUG status in stage - ${currentBuild.getCurrentResult()}"
                  post {
                    always {
                      echo "DEBUG status in post-always-stage - ${currentBuild.getCurrentResult()}"
                    failure {
                      echo "DEBUG status in post-failure-stage - ${currentBuild.getCurrentResult()}"

      And somehow, the `terraform` stage is able to execute the last step `echo "DEBUG status in stage - ${currentBuild.getCurrentResult()}"`

      While, the stage itself didn't fail at all :/

      If you need further details, the existing pipeline runs in a public accessible jenkins controller:

      Existing configuration:

      • Jenkins core: 2.289.1
      • Jenkins plugins: Declarative model -> 1.8.5 (the remaining list of plugins can be found in https://beats-ci.elastic.co/pluginusage/)
      • If you need the OS and JDK version please let me know, I will not add those details here for the time being to avoid any security stuff


        1. screenshot-1.png
          467 kB
          Victor Martinez
        2. screenshot-2.png
          99 kB
          Victor Martinez

          [JENKINS-65997] Matrix with failFast: false triggers post failure in success stages

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