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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-66036

Timeout option works inconsistent when applied on pipeline level vs on stage level

      The timeout option works inconsistent when is defined on pipeline level vs on stage level. On pipeline level it is applied after allocating the node. On stage level it is applied ASAP. It causes a problems on heavy loaded environments when the builds wait quite long for an agent.

      Pipeline Level:

      pipeline {
          agent {
              label 'tiny'
          options {
              // too short to get an agent
              timeout(time: 1, activity: false, unit: 'SECONDS')
          stages {
              stage('Test') {
                  steps {
                      echo 'success'


      14:49:59  [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
      14:50:00  [Pipeline] node
      14:50:10  Agent zjs-tiny-912zg is provisioned from template zjs-tiny
      14:50:11  Running on zjs-tiny-912zg in /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test
      14:50:11  [Pipeline] {
      14:50:11  [Pipeline] timeout
      14:50:11  Timeout set to expire in 1 sec
      14:50:11  [Pipeline] {
      14:50:11  [Pipeline] stage
      14:50:11  [Pipeline] { (Test)
      14:50:11  [Pipeline] echo
      14:50:11  success
      14:50:11  [Pipeline] }
      14:50:11  [Pipeline] // stage
      14:50:11  [Pipeline] }
      14:50:11  [Pipeline] // timeout
      14:50:11  [Pipeline] }
      14:50:11  [Pipeline] // node
      14:50:11  [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
      14:50:11  Finished: SUCCESS

      Stage Level:

      pipeline {
          agent none
          stages {
              stage('Test') {
                  agent {
                      label 'tiny'
                  options {
                      // too short to get an agent
                      timeout(time: 1, activity: false, unit: 'SECONDS')
                  steps {
                      echo 'success'


      14:52:08  [Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
      14:52:08  [Pipeline] stage
      14:52:08  [Pipeline] { (Test)
      14:52:08  [Pipeline] timeout
      14:52:08  Timeout set to expire in 1 sec
      14:52:08  [Pipeline] {
      14:52:09  [Pipeline] node
      14:52:09  Cancelling nested steps due to timeout
      14:52:09  [Pipeline] // node
      14:52:09  [Pipeline] }
      14:52:09  [Pipeline] // timeout
      14:52:10  [Pipeline] }
      14:52:10  [Pipeline] // stage
      14:52:10  [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
      14:52:10  Timeout has been exceeded
      14:52:10  Finished: ABORTED

          [JENKINS-66036] Timeout option works inconsistent when applied on pipeline level vs on stage level

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