Resolution: Unresolved
I have removed one of the customfield , I also removed its reference from the jenkins job configuration. But still the jira-trigger is looking for that custom_field which is not existing any more.
Steps I tried to fix it , but it did not work.
1) Performed system level re-index in Jira
2) Performed re-installation of the jira-trigger plugin
3) I tried by adding the custom_field in the job configuration as a dummy value.
None of these worked, can you please help to fix it on priority as this a blocker for us.
Error while serving https://cd-jenkinsp.com/jira-trigger-webhook-receiver/
com.ceilfors.jenkins.plugins.jiratrigger.JiraTriggerException: Class: ParameterErrorCode, Name: FAILED_TO_RESOLVE, Code: 1, Attributes: [customFieldId:customfield_16905]
seeraeswar Unfortunately I don't have the capacity to offer support. I'm happy to help merge a pull request if you can submit a fix. This project is open source, please look into the codebase and help yourself: https://github.com/jenkinsci/jira-trigger-plugin.