I have created a Simple Jenkins Job (Free-style Project) which will send a zip file from Jenkins workspace (windows) to a Remote server (windows).
This Job runs perfectly on most of the remote servers but for few of the servers shows Access denied error (Authentication issue while winrm).
All the specifications of the servers are same for all hosts. Admin level permissions are granted to Domain and Local users. Still the Job fails while using WinRM Client plugin to remotely access those few servers while other Servers work fine.
Credentials are also verified and no issues found.
NOTE: When tried manually accessing those remote servers it shows no errors and can access and the remote host. but unable to access when done by jenkins job. Thus failing the build.
The WinRM Port 5985 is also kept open and firewall also allowed.
Unable to track the Root Cause of this issue.
Attaching snap of the output with Failed Build.