New Feature
Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins 2.361.1
Warnings Next Generation Plugin Version 9.20.0
ECharts API Plugin Version 5.3.3-1
DataTables.net API Version 1.12.1-3
While viewing a Warnings NG report for a particular build, I'd like to navigate to the list of new warnings by using only the keyboard. I mean, navigate from https://jenkins.example/job/example/42/msbuild/ to https://jenkins.example/job/example/42/msbuild/New/. It is currently navigable by mouse or touch but I haven't found how to do it with the keyboard, except by editing the URL in the address bar.
[JENKINS-69762] Keyboard navigation to new warnings
Labels | Original: accessibility ux | New: accessibility user-experience ux |
The "New", "Outstanding", and "Fixed" legends below the "Reference Comparison" pie chart used to have tab stops, but tabbing to one of them and pressing Enter used to include or exclude the corresponding part of the pie chart, rather than navigate to a filtered list of warnings. With the current versions of plugins, those don't even have tab stops any more.