New Feature
Resolution: Won't Do
jenkins: 2.362
git-client plugin: 3.11.2
Since git-client version 3.11.2
JENKINS-69149 Set 'Known hosts file' strategy as default.
Is it possible to change the default strategy to "Accept first connection" via init groovy script.
At javadoc there are some docs about that, link
At the moment I can't get the Exntesion list or descriptor of that class.
Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins.getInstance() def gitClient = jenkins.getExtensionList(org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.verifier.SshHostKeyVerificationStrategy.class)[0] println gitClient
And I get this result:
But the current value is - "Known Host File". Even if I'll change the value through UI, the result won't change and still "NoHostKeyVerificationStrategy".
Can you please help me with this situation.
The preferred method to automate the configuration of the git client plugin ssh host key verification strategy is through configuration as code. See the git client plugin documentation for an example that shows how to use configuration as code to switch to accept first connection.
If you're not willing to use configuration as code, then you could store a copy of org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.GitHostKeyVerificationConfiguration.xml in the same repository where you store the groovy initialization scripts.