Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins 2.346.3, Scriptler 3.5, Maxtrix Authorization Strategy 3.1.5
Non-Admin-Users can't configure jobs with scriptler-scripts although they have the permissions Scriptler.RunScripts and Scriptler.ConfigureScripts (verified using https://raw.githubusercontent.com/samrocketman/jenkins-script-console-scripts/main/audit-user-permissions.groovy in the console). The error message is: builderId: As the given builder does not have ID, it must be equals to one of the existing builder that does not have ID. Which should not even be checked when the user has the correct permissions.
But the method checkPermission in ScriptlerBuilder checks with "if(Jenkins.get().hasPermission(Jenkins.RUN_SCRIPTS)){" against the permission Overall.RunScripts and therefore denies our users to configure the job with a scriptler script.
Could you please verify if this diagnosis is correct and correct the plugin as neccessary?
Same as JENKINS-70066