Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
File with umlaut charachters not copied with Copy Artifact plugin
Below files are not copied correctly . these file names have umlaut charachters in filename
DSL Vertragsverlängerung.Designer.vb
DSL Vertragsverlängerung.resx
DSL Vertragsverlängerung.vb
Expected behaviour :
file should be copied with file names
DSL Vertragsverlängerung.Designer.vb
DSL Vertragsverlängerung.resx
DSL Vertragsverlängerung.vb
Actual behavoiur :
Files are copied with the file names
DSL Vertragsverl?ngerung.vb
DSL Vertragsverl?ngerung.resx
DSL Vertragsverl?ngerung.Designer.vb
Below are the jenkins settings :
file.encoding UTF-8
sun.jnu.encoding UTF-8
user.country DE
user.language de
I'm unable to duplicate the issue. Please provide the additional details requested in "How to report an issue", with additional information from the Jenkins system information page that shows the platform where you are running Jenkins, the locale that is being used, and the character set.
The steps that I took while trying to duplicate the issue included:
I suspect that your locale settings are incorrect on the Jenkins controller. My controller ran with Italian language as spoken in Italy using the UTF-8 character set.