Test results analyzer plugin does not expand its items on Jenkins 2.426 and later. When show children image (plus sign) is clicked, the child elements are not displayed and the below error is printed on browser console:
testresult.js:140 Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function
at getDescendants (testresult.js:140:32)
at toggleHandler (testresult.js:229:16)
at HTMLSpanElement.<anonymous> (testresult.js:249:9)
at HTMLSpanElement.dispatch (jquery-1.11.1.min.js:3:8436)
at r.handle (jquery-1.11.1.min.js:3:5139)
Tested with
Chrome Version 119.0.6045.160.
Jenkins Version 2.430
Test Results Analyzer 0.4.0
Thanks for the report cem_polat. I was able to duplicate the issue that you've reported and I see that there are at least two related items in the JavaScript sources of the test results analyzer plugin.
The test results analyzer plugin has a few usages of the Prototype.js JavaScript library but the Prototype.js JavaScript library was removed from Jenkins weekly 2.426 and Jenkins LTS 2.426.1. You can read more about it in the May 2023 blog post and the Oct 2023 blog post.
Since the tests results analyzer plugin is up for adoption, that means it currently does not have a maintainer. Would you like to adopt the plugin and become a maintainer?
Your first task would be to review my proposed pull request to see if it covers all the cases where you have seen the error.