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Many identical Code Coverage Trends on UI using Jacoco Plugin for Multi-module ProjectsJENKINS-71285
JaCoCo 'Code Coverage Trend' always says 0 lines coveredJENKINS-69386
Jenkins Jacoco plugin not including sources from other projects in workspaceJENKINS-68297
Update Jacoco plugin to use Jacoco 0.8.8JENKINS-67333
Null pointer exception in Jenkins pipeline when Jacoco plugin is usedJENKINS-66082
Jacoco Plugin can't use jenkins build paramJENKINS-65562
Update Jacoco plugin to use Jacoco 0.8.7JENKINS-63124
link to coverage reportJENKINS-62715
Test fail with custom surefire argsJENKINS-61513
in Java spring boot application the coverage is showing randomly sometime 0.0% and sometime 90%JENKINS-60741
java.io.IOException: While reading execution data-file: /var/jenkins/jobs/AppBuild/jobs/JobName/builds/22/jacoco/execFiles/exec0/jacoco.execJENKINS-60356
Provide a link to the jacoco XML reportJENKINS-59162
Support for statistical coverage of Java incremental codeJENKINS-58679
An ability to see which module had reduced the coverageJENKINS-58678
On the build status page, show the result of the jacoco pluginJENKINS-58677
An ability to mark the build as unstable rather than failed when the delta threshold is not metJENKINS-58676
An ability to compare against the previous build should be availableJENKINS-58047
Trend chart of test results, code unreadable, using Jacoco-pluginJENKINS-57368
Syntax for inclusions and exclusions unclearJENKINS-56678
Publishing Jacoco Test Results should update junitResult.xmlJENKINS-56210
Analyze JaCoCo's xml report instead of exec-filesJENKINS-56123
JaCoCo Coverage Statistics Grid Portlet reports 100% coverage in case there is no coverage collected at allJENKINS-55996
jacoco: Error while reading the sourcefile!JENKINS-54773
Jacoco plugin 3.0.4 ignores minimum****Coverage optionsJENKINS-53334
I would like to show % of code coverage trend chart on the Job summary pageJENKINS-52424
Allow jacoco() pipeline step to take coverage report name as input from userJENKINS-52322
Jenkins jacoco plugin fails to when running on slave machinesJENKINS-51957
JaCoCo Coverage Report of multiple projects in parallel pipeline is exactly the sameJENKINS-51131
Column with N/A should not set the background colourJENKINS-50936
How to get all the packages and its coverage by apiJENKINS-50108
Option to use symbolic links from workspace to build directory for sources and classesJENKINS-50107
Option to remove original exec files during buildJENKINS-50106
Job configuration with environment variables are changed during buildJENKINS-49352
Jacoco plugin only updates trend graph for a successful buildJENKINS-47326
Make coverage values available to other pluginsJENKINS-46997
Jenkins build page slow to load with large jacoco reportsJENKINS-43267
JaCoCo plugin2.2.0 shows 100% coverage for 0 classesJENKINS-43225
Jacoco plugin 2.2.0 hang if buildOverBuild is enabledJENKINS-42420
Code Coverage Report Missing from Project view when using a PipelineJENKINS-41678
Jacoco plugin 2.1.0 ignores excludes patternsJENKINS-40269
Unit test CoverageObjectGraphTest fails on Fedora 24JENKINS-38839
Run Always tick box to run even if build failsJENKINS-38183
Change coverage values from integer to two-decimal value on build detailJENKINS-36168
Jacoco plugin does not read values from environment variablesJENKINS-35436
Add legend for 'M' & 'C' labels in JaCoCo Coverage ReportsJENKINS-35319
Hide code coverage report links when user lacks "workspace" permissionJENKINS-34672
Jacoco plugin takes an hour to generate report if the source field is left emptyJENKINS-32721
configure which coverage metric to be shown in chartJENKINS-32720
report ignores coverage for groovy filesJENKINS-32719
Ability to load properties from a file
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