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Update Hashicorp Vault plugin to use AWS SDK for Java 2.xJENKINS-72324
Raise exception when access is denied instead of silently failingJENKINS-70714
Getting Failed to serialize hudson.model.Project#buildWrappers when VaultPlugin and Build Alias plugin are used in the same jobJENKINS-70502
Intermittent VaultPluginException on retrieving secretsJENKINS-70310
Getting UnsupportedOperationException: Refusing to marshal java.io.PrintStream when disabling Maven Job. The UI says it's disabled but it is notJENKINS-69781
DurableTaskStep experimental USE_WATCHING breaks secret maskingJENKINS-68481
Retrieving SSH private key stored in Hashicorp Vault results in serialisation errorJENKINS-65972
[hashicorp-vault] Use SecretPatterns APIJENKINS-65037
hashicorp-vault-plugin: bug in documentation examplesJENKINS-64890
hashicorp-vault-plugin fails on Self-Sigend Certificate after Jenkins Update 2.279JENKINS-64796
Vault Kubernetes Auth using build node instead of Jenkins MasterJENKINS-63630
Token is not getting stored on vault credentials token after saving itJENKINS-63106
KV v2 credentials wrong pathJENKINS-63034
unable to select credentials when using binding for ssh credentialsJENKINS-60896
Vault Plugin SunCertPathBuilderException for Custom CA. Unclear which cacerts to modify.JENKINS-60440
Invalid git username/password on Jenkins agent when using Vault Username-Password Credential with '@' in usernameJENKINS-60091
HashiCorp Vault plugin using approle is not working since v3.0.0JENKINS-59902
Additional credential types for HashiCorp Vault pluginJENKINS-59085
Ability use vault plugin in combination with other plugins that require credentialsJENKINS-58991
Getting NullPointerException com.bettercloud.vault.api.Logical.read after upgrade to 2.3.0JENKINS-52895
Ability to read all key/value pairs at /secret/:pathJENKINS-48892
Vault plugin exits on specifying a secret that is a large base64 encoded valueJENKINS-45685
Declarative Pipeline ExampleJENKINS-39374
Add ability to get SCM authentication tokens from VaultJENKINS-15912
Shell script files output is not displayed
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