Resolution: Unresolved
Windows 7, Java 1.8, Jenkins 1.575
Linux 64, Java 1.8, Jenkins 1.647
When a build run on the master, "Archive the artifacts" doesn't preserve timestamps.
It preserves timestamps when run on slaves.
It looks caused by FilePath.copyRecursiveTo.
Original description (the issue was found not of Copyartifact, but of ArtifactArchiver):
The timestamps of artifacts are not preserved when archiving artifacts, OR performing a CopyArtifact operation if the artifact filter is set to "**".
For example the filter
will preserve timestamps.
We use mutiple chained Jenkins jobs to perform a build. If the timestamps of dependency files in the artifact passed between jobs is not preserved, then subsequent jobs will fail.
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-31020 Archiving artifacts does not preserve timestamps
- Open
- is related to
JENKINS-13128 Artifacts Permissions Stripped
- Resolved
Makes sense. FilePath.copyRecursiveTo(DirScanner,FilePath,String) behaves differently when it's a master local copy: In that case, it simply copies the files over using IOUtils.mkdirs/Util.copyFile (which in turn uses org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Copy without preservelastmodified). In the remote case, it creates a Tar archive and transfers it over the remoting channel, extracting on the master.