Snippet generator generates an array:
input id: 'Cc2a7d4d888ad098e3ca0ed7599d887d', message: 'Which environment?', ok: 'Submit', parameters: [[$class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition', choices: ['Red', 'Blue', 'Green'], description: '', name: 'env']]
ChoiceParameterDefinition requires a delimited string.
Workaround by modifying the snippet code by converting array to string with "\n" separator, e.g.:
input id: 'Cc2a7d4d888ad098e3ca0ed7599d887d', message: 'Which environment?', ok: 'Submit', parameters: [[$class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition', choices: 'Red\nBlue\nGreen', description: '', name: 'env']]
Or just join the Array elements:
input id: 'Cc2a7d4d888ad098e3ca0ed7599d887d', message: 'Which environment?', ok: 'Submit', parameters: [[$class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition', choices: ['Red', 'Blue', 'Green'].join('\n'), description: '', name: 'env']]
- causes
JENKINS-63015 IllegalArgumentException for ChoiceParameter on bindJSON saving job configuration
- Closed
- depends on
JENKINS-27901 Standard form control for string collections
- Open
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-34590 Fail to generate correct input step with choice param syntax from snippet generator
- Resolved
JENKINS-38995 Choice parameters cannot be used inside of Multibranch Pipelines
- Resolved
JENKINS-33271 Snippet generator creates wrong input statement with ChoiceParameter
- Closed
- is related to
JENKINS-41180 "choice" parameter should take array for choices argument
- Closed
JENKINS-38913 DSL for choiceParam not working
- Open
JENKINS-26619 DescribableHelper does not handle GitSCMExtension
- Resolved
- relates to
JENKINS-53917 choice parameter no longer supports choices in pipeline
- Resolved
JENKINS-40358 Snippet editor: Invalid code for "choice" parameter/properties
- Resolved
JENKINS-63015 IllegalArgumentException for ChoiceParameter on bindJSON saving job configuration
- Closed
JENKINS-41180 "choice" parameter should take array for choices argument
- Closed
JENKINS-44892 Ability to override reflective metadata in DescribableModel
- Resolved
- links to
michaelneale, I don't know how you could consider this so far off the beaten path that it's irrelevant. Two of the duplicates were filed by people who work full time on Jenkins. Anecdotally speaking, I had four people ask me about parameters and multibranch pipelines at this ~100 person Jenkins Days event in Denver just last week.
The problem is that there's no documentation around them so people aren't figuring out to trigger this issue, but IMHO that doesn't mean the bug isn't worth fixing. FWIW, this ticket is coming up on it's two year birthday. >_<