This is definitely not resolved, or handled by the referenced issue.
Some builds we run ends up launching 15 parallel tasks (building AMI's for AWS environment), and i want to look at one of these.
The pipeline view's javascript makes it very very hard to select which one of those parallel tasks I want to watch as it's scrolling down to the bottom every few seconds, so i basically have to wait until everything is done (half an hour) before i can even select the right build and see what happened IN THE BEGINNING of this build to figure out what's wrong.
Next, if i manage to pick the correct parallel build it somehow still manages to switch the console output to the output of another build if that one's finished before the one i'm currently watching..
To be honest, this autoscrolling behavior is useless for most of our scenarios as we run a lot of stuff in parallel.
It might be ok to autoscroll-down if the user is already on the bottom of the page and you add more text, but don't mess with where my scrollbar is on the page otherwise. If i want to place it on the middle of the page to investigate something, let me do that. Currently the behaviour prohibits this as it's impossible to do anything but watch the last few lines as long as a build with a lot of text output is running.
Either disable autoscrolling completely or only make it apply whenever a user has scrolled down to bottom.
jgamble the behaviour that you are describing is what the default is on master (1.4 release) right now.