Resolution: Unresolved
Blue Ocean 1.0-rc3, Blue Ocean 1.0-rc4
The api to load steps is paginated. Currently only the first page is loaded.
When a user clicks on a node, it should load and display the steps using this pagination (ie keep loading and appending until there are no more).
This should be able to generate loads of steps I think:
Using the following pipelineScript and https://github.com/scherler/blueocean-shared-library/commit/43d5620a42d7795b43bc829d694c3cae2a3c3919
@Library('test-writer') import writeTest import longLog node { stage 'fin' def xml = writeTest() sh "echo '$xml' > TEST-some.xml" step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: 'TEST-*.xml']) sh 'echo `date` fin;sleep 3; echo `date` fin;' sh 'echo yeah > foo.txt' archiveArtifacts 'foo.txt' longLog(10000, false) stage 'NoSteps' }
- relates to
JENKINS-57819 Blue Ocean does not show all steps in stage
- Open
JENKINS-41897 Karaoke: steps and nodes are limited to 100 - need to increase limit
- Closed
JENKINS-39770 Pipeline visualization not rendered when there is more that 100 nodes
- Reopened
Is this something still looked into?
I see the nodes api being called with a limit parameter of 10000, the steps api
does not have such parameter, and it maxes out at 100.
pipeline {
agent {
label any
stages {
stage('200 Steps'){
steps {
script {
def range = 1..200
range.each { n ->
println n
Call for nodes API: http://localhost:8080/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/test100Limit/runs/4/nodes/?limit=10000
Call for steps API: http://localhost:8080/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/test100Limit/runs/4/nodes/6/steps/
Is there a way I can send the limits parameter to the steps API too. Or, I need to change here: https://github.com/jenkinsci/blueocean-plugin/blob/master/blueocean-dashboard/src/main/js/components/karaoke/services/Augmenter.js#L83
Also is there a reason why this limit is not being passed to steps/ endpoint ?