Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins version 2.46.2
Pipeline: Multibranch version 2.14
I would like to execute 2 stages on 2 different nodes. First stage should be executed always, and the second under a certain condition.
Everything works, except that when the second stage is not executed (the 'when' expression is not satisfied), a checkout of the repository is still done.
This is the Jenkinsfile:
pipeline { agent { label 'node_1' } stages { stage("Stage 1") { steps { script { echo "Stage 1" } } } stage ('Stage 2') { when { expression { env.BRANCH_NAME == "master" } } agent { label 'node_2' } steps { script { echo "Stage 2" } } } } }
The big problem with this is that in case the 'node_2' is executing other jobs, the current job cannot continue until this node has a free executor.