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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-52780

Multijob phase status is in pending status whereas job is successfull


      My name is Christophe and I work for Touring at Bruxelles in Belgium.

      We have many Multi jenkins  ( version 2.78 ) jobs running successfully    but their status is still pending

      We need to know how to solve this issue. 

      I attached some screen shots that displays our  job configuration

      Thank you 


        1. job_success_status_pending.jpg
          235 kB
          christophe larcher
        2. jobs_phase_configuration.jpg
          212 kB
          christophe larcher
        3. jobs_phase_configuration.jpg_2.jpg
          127 kB
          christophe larcher
        4. logs_job_ok.jpg
          206 kB
          christophe larcher

          [JENKINS-52780] Multijob phase status is in pending status whereas job is successfull

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