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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-55246

Add credential button is not working on Ansible Tower Plugin configuration


      The Add credential button on the Ansible Tower configuration section does not work when adding new items.


      Steps to reproduce:


      1. Go to the global Jenkins configuration page
      2. On the Ansible Tower section, click on Add to start adding a new Ansible Tower installation
      3. On the credentials field, click on the Add button, nothing happens.


      Expected result:


      It should show a list of credentials provider when the Add credential button is pressed and allow creating a new credential.


      Additional details:


      If you add a Tower Installation and try to click on the Add button for its credentials field it works as expected.

        1. Screenshot from 2019-08-19 14-15-31.png
          49 kB
          Elyézer Rezende
        2. Screenshot from 2019-08-19 14-16-11.png
          17 kB
          Elyézer Rezende
        3. Screenshot from 2019-08-19 14-16-19.png
          33 kB
          Elyézer Rezende

            elyezer Elyézer Rezende
            elyezer Elyézer Rezende
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