Resolution: Duplicate
Hudson 1.349, Join 1.8, Windows XP SP2
Expected behavior: The join trigger can trigger when a downstream project is disabled
Actual behavior: It never does
Steps to reproduce:
1) Create three normal projects JobA, JobB, JobC that execute the attached simple batch scripts.
2) Create a project JobABC. Go to configure and
a) check "Build other projects" specifying JobA and JobB as downstream projects.
b) check "Join Trigger" specifying to run JobC when downstream projects are complete.
c) save
3) Build JobABC. Note that it runs JobA and JobB in parallel, then JobC when both are complete. This is expected.
4) Go to JobA's configure page and check "Disable Build" and save
5) Build JobABC again. This time JobB will correctly run... and JobA correctly does not run being disabled... but JobC will incorrectly never run because JoinAction is waiting for JobA's build result, which will never arrive.
- duplicates
JENKINS-5972 If any downstream jobs are "disabled", then final aggregation job never runs
- Closed
In my own env I was able to resolve this problem by modifying JoinAction's constructor to comment out these two lines:
//String[] downstreamProjects = buildTrigger==null ?
// new String[0] : buildTrigger.getChildProjectsValue().split(",");
and instead do this:
//Filter out disabled builds
//Get a list of all projects, enabled and disabled
List<AbstractProject> rawDownstreamProjects = buildTrigger==null ?
new ArrayList<AbstractProject>() : buildTrigger.getChildProjects();
//and a separate array of names
String[] rawDownstreamProjectNames = buildTrigger==null ?
new String[0] : buildTrigger.getChildProjectsValue().split(",");
//Populate a new list with only the names of enabled projects
List<String> enabledProjects = new ArrayList<String>();
for( int i=0; i<rawDownstreamProjects.size(); i++ ){
{ enabledProjects.add(rawDownstreamProjectNames[i]); }if(!rawDownstreamProjects.get
{ //no need to track disabled projects }}
String[] downstreamProjects = enabledProjects.toArray(new String[0]);