At the start of each job P4-Plugin runs 2 changes -m1 commands.
p4 changes -m1 -ssubmitted //WS/...@CL p4 changes -m1 -ssubmitted //WS/...@CL,CL
The second command can be influenced by the setting 'Head Change Query Limit' however for small incremental builds on large P4D servers the first command can take the same time or longer than the actual sync. For example:
11:31:16 p4 changes -m1 -ssubmitted //WS1/...@22003775 11:31:32 Change 22003775 on 2022/04/01 by user@ws 'CL description'
On busy systems there can be more than 5000 of these run per hour putting a large load on dedicated well spec'd build P4D edge replicas.
Is there any way (such as caching) that we can avoid the expensive 'p4 changes -m1' query?
Also this "m1 -ssubmitted" is running for all the branches in a repository even when a specific branch build triggered on "Multi Branch pipeline" configurations. This behavior adds a lot of time of the builds if repository contains many branches.
Could someone please check this and provide us some solutions?