Resolution: Unresolved
I have a pipeline job that takes a branch as a parameter and then passes that value to the `Branch Specifier` like so: `${BRANCH}`.
The git plugin expands the value properly, but I believe that when the kubernetes plugin tries to do another checkout to read the pod template, it doesn't expand the variable and then fails.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Configure a pipeline job with a string parameter called `BRANCH`
2. For the pipeline definition, configure it to use "Pipeline script from SCM"
3. Use the `Git` SCM and configure it to point to your repo
4. `Branches to build` -> `Branch Specifier` - should be set to `${BRANCH}` or whatever your parameter is called
5. Specify your Jenkinsfile path
– Specify the pod template using `yamlFile`
6. `Lightweight checkout` should be unchecked
7. Attempt to build the job
Stripped down version of my jenkinsfile: Jenkinsfile
Hi markewaite, is there any additional information I can provide to help with this? Thanks!