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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-73843

Jenkins won't start after update of jenkins gradle plugin from 2.12.1 to 2.13 with JCasC active


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • gradle-plugin
    • Jenkins 2.440.1 on Rocky Linux release 9.1 (Blue Onyx)

      I have a jenkins installation that had gradle plugin version 2.12.1 installed and the system is also using the JCasC (Jenkins configuration-as-code) plugin.  I did the usual plugins upgrade and told Jenkins to restart after installing the updates.

      Jenkins refused to start thereafter.  I got the error:

      Oct 01 15:13:05 jenkins2.mydomain.com jenkins[120719]: 2024-10-01 20:13:05.682+0000 [id=30]        SEVERE        jenkins.InitReactorRunner$1#onTaskFailed: Failed ConfigurationAsCode.init

      Oct 01 15:13:05 jenkins2.mydomain.com jenkins[120719]: io.jenkins.plugins.casc.UnknownAttributesException: injectionConfig: Invalid configuration elements for type: class hudson.plugins.gradle.injection.InjectionConfig : injectCcudExtension,injectMavenExtension.

      Oct 01 15:13:05 jenkins2.mydomain.com jenkins[120719]: Available attributes : accessKeyCredentialId, allowUntrusted, ccudExtensionCustomCoordinates, ccudExtensionVersion, ccudPluginVersion, checkForBuildAgentErrors, enabled, enforceUrl, gradleCaptureTaskInputFiles, gradleInjectionDisabledNodes, gradleInjectionEnabledNodes, gradlePluginRepositoryCredentialId, gradlePluginRepositoryUrl, gradlePluginVersion, mavenCaptureGoalInputFiles, mavenExtensionCustomCoordinates, mavenExtensionRepositoryCredentialId, mavenExtensionRepositoryUrl, mavenExtensionVersion, mavenInjectionDisabledNodes, mavenInjectionEnabledNodes, server, shortLivedTokenExpiry, vcsRepositoryFilter

      Oct 01 15:13:05 jenkins2.mydomain.com jenkins[120719]:         at io.jenkins.plugins.casc.BaseConfigurator.handleUnknown(BaseConfigurator.java:389)

      My jenkins had this content in the file:

      <?xml version='1.1' encoding='UTF-8'?>
      <hudson.plugins.gradle.injection.InjectionConfig plugin="gradle@2.12.1">
          <inclusion class="empty-list"/>
          <exclusion class="empty-list"/>

      and, sure enough, there are references to attributes injectCcudExtension and injectMavenExtension and the file indicates plugin="gradle@2.12.1".

      I looked through the 2.12.1 source files and found .html files referencing these attributes, but those .html files were not present in 2.13.  So I assume dropping these attributes is intentional.

      I reverted to the 2.12.1 jenkins plugin and jenkins would then start again.

      I'm not sure if this is a bug with the plugin upgrade process, plugin backward compatibility, or user error.  Is there something I need to do when I upgrade Jenkins plugins to make sure any pre-existing .xml file for the plugin likewise gets updated? 

      I don't use gradle myself and fairly new to JCasC.  Thanks


            atual Alexis
            jfisher1001 Jeff
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