Gitbucket and Jenkins servers are running on the same server machine.
Security is enabled on Jenkins via ldap.
Jenkins job is configured with Build Trigger "Build when a change is pushed to GitBucket".
Gitbucket webhook is configured with "https://<dns>/gitbucket-webhook/
(when i test this address i get a page telling me (POST is required for org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitbucket.GitBucketWebHook.doIndex [Try POSTing])
There are no entries in the "Gitbucket Hook Log".
I am updating gitbucket project via git bash client on workstation (also tried commit with with git ui, gitbucket ui)
sogabe, Appreciate if you can share some pointers here. Auto deployment of CI pipeline is blocked for me due to this issue. Appreciate quick help. Thanks
Ashish Sharma
added a comment - sogabe , Appreciate if you can share some pointers here. Auto deployment of CI pipeline is blocked for me due to this issue. Appreciate quick help. Thanks
Ashish Sharma
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sogabe, Appreciate if you can share some pointers here. Auto deployment of CI pipeline is blocked for me due to this issue. Appreciate quick help. Thanks