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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-17684

Dashboard web pages don't render correctly in Chrome because of bad cache/session


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • core

      After using Chrome for a day, the page renders incorrectly.

      Screenshot: http://imgur.com/9Y11bqz

      It doesn't matter if I hit refresh multiple times, it always renders the same way. If I open another browser, it works fine.

      If I debug under Chrome Dev Tools, I don't see any errors when fetching the resources... just a whole bunch of 304s.

      If I clear the cache manually using the Chrome Web settings, then everything works fine again.

      I went to #jenkins on freenode and apparently other people were having the same issue.

      *Update* I can make the error go away by simply clearing the jenkins cookie and leaving the rest of the cache intact. It seems the error is session related (all the cookie contains is a session id).

      I am using the GitHub plugin for authentication/authorization.

        1. jenkins-chrome-scroll.JPG
          104 kB
        2. jenkins_broken_stylesheet.png
          129 kB
        3. jenkins_css_3.PNG
          84 kB
        4. jenkins-gui.png
          69 kB
        5. css_issue.jpg
          238 kB
        6. css_issue
          238 kB

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