Resolution: Not A Defect
Bundles management UI Sprint
I'm trying to set an jenkins environment configured with ldap-plugin.
My configuration is pretty simple and working for the log-in to the UI.
I want to use groups by DN, I means I'm working for a company that manage the rights (RO, RW...) by the same group name but in a different OU.
The context is ;
dn : cn=admin, ou=<ACCOUNT_ID>, dc=test, dc=local
But I'm just able to add group with the CN. For example If i'm trying to add a group, it works only if I try to add "admin" but not with "cn=admin, ou=<ACCOUNT_ID>, dc=test, dc=local"
My problem is I have 100x the group "admin" in my ldap-server. So Jenkins will try to use the first result ?
In the ldap-plugin documentation I see :
Note: in this field there are two available substitutions:
{0} - the fully qualified DN of the user
{1} - the username portion of the user
So I tried to set the groupfilter to cn={0} If I understand the documentation that result cn = dn but its not working.
Here is an example of ldapsearch on my ldap-server :
dn: cn=clusteradmin,ou=454g54-gre45,ou=test,ou=Perimeers,cn=ApplicationContext,dc=localuniqueMember: uid=grger,ou=Users,dc=local uniqueMember: uid=gerger,ou=Users,dc=localuuid: afrf-52fe-fezcvd2s-fdsdv accountId: afrf-52fe-fezcvd2s-fdsdvcn: clusteradminobjectClass: testRole objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames objectClass: top
Can you help on that its very urgent please
if you can help on that please
kohsuke rsandell allan_burdajewicz fbelzunc teilo galhana80 markewaite danielbeck